Digital caricatures make an exciting spectacle with innovative marketing potential. Two main options of working make them suitable for any event:

As a static attraction, with an LCD monitor displaying the caricatures being drawn ‘live’, or as walkabout entertainment.

When using big screens, the caricatures are sketched on a tablet or iPad. As they’re drawn the images are projected in real time to a large LCD screen. The portraits are revealed within five minutes, amazing the audience as they line up to watch.

Custom borders, backgrounds and themes can be designed, featuring your logo or marketing material, and these are visible at every stage.

The completed caricatures are emailed straight away or posted on social media. They’re also printed on the spot, on 6×4 glossy photo paper, and presented in a plastic sleeve to attach to a lanyard. Within minutes, the guest has a picture to show off at the event and online!

Afterwards, the caricatures will be available to download from digitoons or hosted on your own website.

An eye-catching, interactive experience for trade shows & conferences, promotions & parties, and more!

To see How It Works, click here

  • Drawn live
    Broadcast to LCDs
    Delivered instantly
    Available for download.

  • Eye catching from distance
    Entertains a crowd
    Increases footfall
    Creates atmosphere

  • Visible logos
    Custom templates
    Brand exposure
    Lead generation

  • Emailed

Roaming artists are always popular at events and iPad caricatures are now available to wow the guests at your next party!

An experienced and professional performer, Christian Marshall is one of the few to successfully evolve into the digital realm, sketching comically accurate caricatures on his tablet as he mingles. His blend of skill, charm and humour will delight the guests and leave them with a memorable souvenir of the occasion.

The caricatures are emailed on the spot, with a personalised message from the hosts, posted on social media or airdropped to a smartphone. While still at the event, the guests can be sharing their pictures all over the world!

A fabulous, interactive entertainment option for receptions & parties, gala dinners & awards, client hospitality, promotional events and more.

To see How It Works, click here

  • Traditional skill with an impressive modern twist

  • Mix & mingle entertainment & interactive ice-breaker

  • Personalised mementos, shared instantly

  • Full colour or black & white caricatures in five minutes!

One of the advantages of digital caricaturing is you can get very creative with the artwork. Most clients like to have their logo on the caricatures, but that’s only the start! You can also have mottos, messages, titles, dates, web addresses – you name it. Bespoke backgrounds can be drawn up to your specifications, adding bodies, scenery and colour galore.

Digitoons also offers a unique ‘themed service’, pushing the boundaries of traditional caricaturing and creating almost limitless possibilities. Whether it’s a location or a Lego character, a super hero or a Simpsons cartoon. Christian can effortlessly add the faces of your guests onto almost any body, from Athletes to Zombies. Previous client choices also include Star Wars, Dr Who, cyber warriors, animals and vikings!

  • Everything is Awesome!

  • The force is strong with this one.

  • A sound observation, Robin.

  • You’re standing on my scarf.